How are you trying to display the results? Highlighting is a bit of an
odd beast. Assuming it's correctly configured, the response packet
will have a separate highlight section, it's the application's
responsibility to present that pleasingly.

What _do_ you get bak in the response?

BTW, the mail sever pretty aggressively strips attachments, your's
didn't come through.


On Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 3:25 AM, Evert R. <> wrote:
> Hi there!
> It´s my first installation, not sure if here is the right channel...
> Here is my steps:
> 1. Set up a basic install of solr 5.4.0
> 2. Create a new core through command line (bin/solr create -c test)
> 3. Post 2 files: 1 .docx and 2 .pdf (bin/post -c test /docs/test/)
> 4. Query over the browser and it brings the correct search, but it does not
> show the part of the text I am querying, the highlight.
>   I have already flagled the 'hl' option. But still it does not word...
> Exemple: I am looking for the word 'peace' in my pdf file (book) I have 4
> matches for this word, it shows me the book name (pdf file) but does not
> bring which part of the text it has the word peace on it.
> I am problably missing some configuration in schema.xml, which is missing
> from my folder.... /solr/server/solr/test/conf/
> Or even the solrconfig.xml...
> I have read a bunch of things about highlight check these files, copied the
> standard schema.xml to my core/conf folder, but still it does not bring the
> highlight.
> Attached a copy of my solrconfig.xml file.
> I am very sorry for this, probably, dumb and too basic question... First
> time I see solr in live.
> Any help will be appreciated.
> Best regards,
> Evert Ramos

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