@Binoy: The query does work but for one term (-persons:[* TO *]) but it
does not work for multiple terms such as
http://[Myserver]/solr/[Collection]/select?q=(-persons:[* TO *])AND(-orgs:[*
TO *])
This returns zero records although I do have records that has both persons
and orgs empty.

@Jack: Replacing (-persons:*)AND(-orgs:*) with (*:* -persons:*)AND(*:*
-orgs:*) did the trick. Thanks.

Thanks you both for your comments.


On Sun, Feb 14, 2016 at 7:51 PM, Jack Krupansky <jack.krupan...@gmail.com>

> Due to a bug (or poorly designed feature), you need to explicitly include a
> non-negative query term in a purely negative sub-query. Usually this means
> using *:* to select all documents. Note that the use of parentheses
> introduces a sub-query. So, (-persons:*) s.b. (*:* -persons:*).
> -- Jack Krupansky
> On Sun, Feb 14, 2016 at 8:21 AM, Salman Ansari <salman.rah...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I think what I am asking should be easy to do but for some reasons I am
> > facing issues in making that happen. The issue is that I want
> > include/exclude some fields from my Solr query. All the fields that I
> need
> > to include are multi valued int fields. When I include the fields I have
> > the following query
> >
> > http://
> >
> >
> [MySolrServer]/solr/[Collection]/select?q=(persons:*)AND(places:*)AND(orgs:*)
> > This does return the desired result. However, when I negate the values
> >
> > http://
> >
> >
> [MySolrServer]/solr/[Collection]/select?q=(-persons:*)AND(-places:*)AND(-orgs:*)
> > This returns 0 documents although there are a lot of documents that have
> > all those fields empty.
> >
> > Any ideas why this is happening?
> >
> > Appreciate any comments/feedback.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Salman
> >

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