When I made:

I have this exception:

Estado HTTP 500 - null java.lang.NullPointerException at

I see this all the time - to the point where I wonder how stable the new component is.

I've *think* I've traced it to

  o the presence of both q *and* spellcheck.q
  o and *any* restart of solr without re-issuing spellcheck.build=true

I haven't been using any form of spellchecker for long, but I'm reasonably sure that I didn't need to rebuild on every restart. I also used to think it was changes to schema.xml (and not a simple restart) that caused the issue, but I've seen the exception with no changes. I've also seen the exception pop up without a restart when the server sits overnight (last query of the day ok, go to sleep, query again in the morning and *boom*)

but regardless of restart issues, I've never seen it happen with just the q or just the spellcheck.q fields in my query - it's always when they're both there.


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