We haven't seen an OutOfMemoryError. The load on the server doesn't go up either (hovers around 1-2). We're on Java 1.6.0_03-b05. 4x3.8GHz Xeons, 8GB RAM.


On Jul 15, 2008, at 11:29 AM, Fuad Efendi wrote:

I constantly have the same problem; sometimes I have OutOfMemoryError in logs, sometimes not. Not-predictable. I minimized all caches, it still happens even with 8192M. CPU usage is 375%-400% (two double-core Opterons), SUN Java 5. Moved to BEA JRockit 5 yesterday, looks 30 times faster (25% CPU load with 4096M RAM); no any problem yet, let's see...

Strange: Tomcat simply hangs instead of exit(...)

There are some posts related to OutOfMemoryError in solr-user list.


Quoting Doug Steigerwald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Since we pushed Solr out to production a few weeks ago, we've seen a
few issues with Solr not responding to requests (searches or admin
pages).  There doesn't seem to be any reason for it from what we can
tell.  We haven't seen it in QA or development.

We're running Solr with basically the example Solr setup with Jetty
(6.1.3).  We package our Solr install by using 'ant example' and
replacing configs/etc.  Whenever Solr stops responding, there are no
messages in the logs, nothing.  Requests just time out.

We have also only seen this on our slaves. The master doesn't seem to be hitting this issue. All the boxes are the same, version of java is
the same, etc.

We don't have a stack trace and no JMX set up. Once we see this issue,
our support folks just stop and start Solr on that machine.

Has anyone else run into anything like this with Solr?


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