Hello - try the KStem filter. It is better suited for english and doesn't show 
this behaviour.

-----Original message-----
> From:Mark Vega <veg...@uci.edu>
> Sent: Thursday 19th May 2016 19:55
> To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
> Subject: Stemming nouns ending in 'y'
> I am using Apache Nutch v1.10 and SOLR v.5.2.1 to index and search a medical 
> website and am trying to find out why every stemmer I've tried on certain 
> nouns in medical terminology ending in 'y' merely replaces the ending 'y' 
> with an 'I'.  As example, the term 'osteopathy' stemmed with the Porter 
> Stemmer Filter stems to 'osteopathi', which will match 'osteopath' and 
> 'osteopathic', but will not match the original term 'osteopathy' itself.  
> I've seen this with quite a few medical and science nouns ending in 'y'  
> (though, oddly enough, the word 'terminology' itself stems to 'terminolog' 
> just as I would expect it to) and am wondering whether there is a different 
> stemmer I should be using, or if I am just using this one incorrectly.  I am 
> currently applying the PorterStemFilterFactory to a field of type 'text' in 
> both the indexing and querying analyzers.  Any comments, suggestions or 
> explanations would be much appreciated.
> --
> Mark F. Vega
> Programmer/Analyst
> UC Irvine Libraries - Web Services
> veg...@uci.edu<mailto:veg...@uci.edu>
> 949.824.9872
> --

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