Thanks for your considerable opinion. I'll try addreplica first.

2016/5/24 (週二)
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Erick Erickson 
To: solr-user ; scott(自己) 
Date: 2016/5/24 (週二) 01:56
Subject: Re: What to do best when expaning from 2 nodes to 4 nodes? [scottchu]

Take a look at the SPLITSHARD Collections API here:

Best value of numShards and replicationFactor: Impossible to say. You have 

to stress test respecting your SLAs. See:

But there's _no_ reason to split your shard if you are getting adequate 
response times to queries. In fact, going to more than one shard 
will possibly slow your query response as distributed queries add 
inevitable overhead. 

If you simply want to add more replicas to increase the QPS rate you 
can handle. just bring up your Solr nodes and use the Collections API 
ADDREPLICA command to your single shard. 


On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 7:52 AM, Scott Chu <> wrote: 

> I just created a 90gb index collection with 1 shard and 2 replicas on 2 
> nodes. I am to migrate from 2 nodes to 4 node. I am wondering what's the best 
> stragedy to split this single shard? Furthermore, If I am ok to reindex, 
> what's the best adequate experienced value of numShards and 
> replicationFactor? Lastly, I think there's no other way but reindex if I want 
> my data to be evenly distributed into every shard I create, right? 
> Scott Chu, 
> 2016/5/23 (週一) 
> P.S. For those who are curious of why I add [scottchu] in subject, the reason 
> is that I want my email filter to route those emails that answer to my 
> question to specific folder. 

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