> For someone familiar with Solr, will it be an issue to run those examples
> in a Solr instance instead ?

You can't run ES code on Solr, and the syntax is quite different, so you do
have to figure out how to convert it yourself and it's not always very
obvious. There is an appendix that covers the differences in how you would
do the same searches/etc in Solr chapter by chapter but it's certainly not
a comprehensive comparison of the code examples, I did notice for instance
since I'm working on synonyms right now that it didn't have any mention of
the issues on Solr with multi-term synonyms or even how to do synonyms on
Solr. I definitely would have loved to get a copy of the book that was more
specific to Solr but I still would recommend it for the material that it
does have and how to think about relevancy and work to improve your
results. But it's definitely more geared for intermediate to advanced users
that already have a good handle on all the elements of Solr and how to
write code for them.



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