On 7/21/16 9:16 PM, Shawn Heisey wrote:
On 7/21/2016 9:37 AM, Rallavagu wrote:
I suspect swapping as well. But, for my understanding - are the index
files from disk memory mapped automatically at the startup time?

They are *mapped* at startup time, but they are not *read* at startup.
The mapping just sets up a virtual address space for the entire file,
but until something actually reads the data from the disk, it will not
be in memory.  Getting the data in memory is what makes mmap fast.


We are not performing "commit" after every update and here is the
configuration for softCommit and hardCommit.



I am seeing QTimes (for searches) swing between 10 seconds - 2
seconds. Some queries were showing the slowness caused to due to
faceting (debug=true). Since we have adjusted indexing and facet times
are improved but basic query QTime is still high so wondering where
can I look? Is there a way to debug (instrument) a query on Solr node?

Assuming you have not defined the maxTime system properties mentioned in
those configs, that config means you will potentially be creating a new
searcher every two minutes ... but if you are sending explicit commits
or using commitWithin on your updates, then the true situation may be
very different than what's configured here.

We have allocated significant amount of RAM (48G total
physical memory, 12G heap, Total index disk size is 15G)

Assuming there's no other software on the system besides the one
instance of Solr with a 12GB heap, this would mean that you have enough
room to cache the entire index.  What OS are you running on? With that
information, I may be able to relay some instructions that will help
determine what the complete memory situation is on your server.

There is no other software running on the system and it is completely dedicated to Solr. It is running on Linux. Here is the full version.

Linux version 3.8.13-55.1.6.el7uek.x86_64 (mockbu...@ca-build56.us.oracle.com) (gcc version 4.8.3 20140911 (Red Hat 4.8.3-9) (GCC) ) #2 SMP Wed Feb 11 14:18:22 PST 2015



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