And, I might add, you should look through your old logs
and see how long it takes to open a searcher. Let's
say Shawn's lower bound is what you see, i.e.
it takes a minute each to execute all the autowarming
in filterCache and queryResultCache... So you're current
latency is _at least_ 2 minutes between the time something
is indexed and it's available for search just for autowarming.

Plus up to another 2 minutes for your soft commit interval
to expire.

So if your business people haven't noticed a 4 minute
latency yet, tell them they don't know what they're talking
about when they insist on the NRT interval being a few
seconds ;).


On Tue, Jul 26, 2016 at 7:20 AM, Rallavagu <> wrote:
> On 7/26/16 5:46 AM, Shawn Heisey wrote:
>> On 7/22/2016 10:15 AM, Rallavagu wrote:
>>>     <filterCache class="solr.FastLRUCache"
>>>                  size="5000"
>>>                  initialSize="5000"
>>>                  autowarmCount="500"/>
>>>     <queryResultCache class="solr.LRUCache"
>>>                      size="20000"
>>>                      initialSize="20000"
>>>                      autowarmCount="500"/>
>> As Erick indicated, these settings are incompatible with Near Real Time
>> updates.
>> With those settings, every time you commit and create a new searcher,
>> Solr will execute up to 1000 queries (potentially 500 for each of the
>> caches above) before that new searcher will begin returning new results.
>> I do not know how fast your filter queries execute when they aren't
>> cached... but even if they only take 100 milliseconds each, that's could
>> take up to a minute for filterCache warming.  If each one takes two
>> seconds and there are 500 entries in the cache, then autowarming the
>> filterCache would take nearly 17 minutes. You would also need to wait
>> for the warming queries on queryResultCache.
>> The autowarmCount on my filterCache is 4, and warming that cache *still*
>> sometimes takes ten or more seconds to complete.
>> If you want true NRT, you need to set all your autowarmCount values to
>> zero.  The tradeoff with NRT is that your caches are ineffective
>> immediately after a new searcher is created.
> Will look into this and make changes as suggested.
>> Looking at the "top" screenshot ... you have plenty of memory to cache
>> the entire index.  Unless your queries are extreme, this is usually
>> enough for good performance.
>> One possible problem is that cache warming is taking far longer than
>> your autoSoftCommit interval, and the server is constantly busy making
>> thousands of warming queries.  Reducing autowarmCount, possibly to zero,
>> *might* fix that. I would expect higher CPU load than what your
>> screenshot shows if this were happening, but it still might be the
>> problem.
> Great point. Thanks for the help.
>> Thanks,
>> Shawn

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