Yes this is what I did. I got an out of memory while executing a query with a 
sort param
1. Stopped Jboss server
<filterCache      class="solr.LRUCache"      size="2048"      initialSize="512" 
   <!-- queryResultCache caches results of searches - ordered lists of         
document ids (DocList) based on a query, a sort, and the range         of 
documents requested.  -->    <queryResultCache      class="solr.LRUCache"      
size="2048"      initialSize="512"      autowarmCount="256"/>
  <!-- documentCache caches Lucene Document objects (the stored fields for each 
document).       Since Lucene internal document ids are transient, this cache 
will not be autowarmed.  -->    <documentCache      class="solr.LRUCache"      
size="2048"      initialSize="512"      autowarmCount="0"/>
In these 3 params, I changed "size" from 512 to 2048. 3. Restarted the server
4. Ran query again.
It worked just fine. after that. I am currently reinexing, replaving the 
text_ws to string and having the default size of all 3 caches to 512 and seeing 
if the problem goes away.

> Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2008 14:05:05 -0700> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: 
>> Subject: Re: Out of memory on Solr sorting> > I 
> know, and this is strange... I was guessing filterCache is used > implicitly 
> to get DocSet for token; as Sundar wrote, increase of > LRUCache helped him 
> (he is sorting on 'text-ws' field)> -Fuad> >> If increasing LRU cache helps 
> you:> >> - you are probably using 'tokenized' field for sorting (could you 
> confirm> >> please?)...> >> > Sorting does not utilize any Solr caches.> >> > 
> -Yonik> >> > > 
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