An on-deck searcher is not yet the active searcher. The SolrCore increments
the on-deck searcher count prior to starting the warming process. Unless
it's the first searcher, a new searcher will be warmed and then registered.
Once registered the searcher becomes active.

So, the initial question: is an on-deck searcher a warming searcher: the
answer is basically yes.

Joel Bernstein

On Fri, Dec 9, 2016 at 9:04 AM, Shawn Heisey <> wrote:

> On 12/8/2016 6:08 PM, Brent wrote:
> > Is there a difference between an "on deck" searcher and a warming
> > searcher? From what I've read, they sound like the same thing.
> The on-deck searcher is the one that's active and serving queries.  A
> warming searcher is one that is still coming up.  As soon as the oldest
> warming searcher is ready, it becomes the on-deck searcher and the old
> one is thrown away.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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