Hi Hendrik,

Thanks for your input. Previously I was using the hard commit
(SolrClient.commit()) but then I got some error when there are concurrent
real time index requests from my app. The error was  "Exceeded limit of
maxWarmingSearchers=2, try again later", then i changed the code to use
only solrserver.add(docs) method and configured autoSoftCommit timeout and
autoCommit timeout in solrConfig.

I think, i'll get the same error when I use the method you described
collection, boolean waitFlush, boolean waitSearcher, boolean softCommit)),
Anyway i'll have a look at that method.

Best regards,

Lasitha Wattaladeniya
Software Engineer

Mobile : +6593896893 <+65%209389%206893>
Blog : techreadme.blogspot.com

On Tue, Dec 20, 2016 at 3:31 AM, Hendrik Haddorp <hendrik.hadd...@gmx.net>

> Hi,
> the SolrJ API has this method: SolrClient.commit(String collection,
> boolean waitFlush, boolean waitSearcher, boolean softCommit).
> My assumption so far was that when you set waitSearcher to true that the
> method call only returns once a search would find the new data, which
> sounds what you want. I used this already and it seemed to work just fine.
> regards,
> Hendrik
> On 19.12.2016 04:09, Lasitha Wattaladeniya wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Thanks for your replies,
>> @dorian : the requirement is,  we are showing a list of entries on a page.
>> For each user there's a read / unread flag.  The data for listing is
>> fetched from solr. And you can see the entry was previously read or not.
>> So
>> when a user views an entry by clicking.  We are updating the database flag
>> to READ and use real time indexing to update solr entry.  So when the user
>> close the full view of the entry and go back to entry listing page,  the
>> data fetched from solr should be updated to READ. That's the use case we
>> are trying to fix.
>> @eric : thanks for the lengthy reply.  So let's say I increase the
>> autosoftcommit time out to may be 100 ms.  In that case do I have to wait
>> much that time from client side before calling search ?.  What's the
>> correct way of achieving this?
>> Regards,
>> Lasitha
>> On 18 Dec 2016 23:52, "Erick Erickson" <erickerick...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> 1 ms autocommit is far too frequent. And it's not
>>> helping you anyway.
>>> There is some lag between when a commit happens
>>> and when the docs are really available. The sequence is:
>>> 1> commit (soft or hard-with-opensearcher=true doesn't matter).
>>> 2> a new searcher is opened and autowarming starts
>>> 3> until the new searcher is opened, queries continue to be served by
>>> the old searcher
>>> 4> the new searcher is fully opened
>>> 5> _new_ requests are served by the new searcher.
>>> 6> the last request is finished by the old searcher and it's closed.
>>> So what's probably happening is that you send docs and then send a
>>> query and Solr is still in step <3>. You can look at your admin UI
>>> pluginst/stats page or your log to see how long it takes for a
>>> searcher to open and adjust your expectations accordingly.
>>> If you want to fetch only the document (not try to get it by a
>>> search), Real Time Get is designed to insure that you always get the
>>> most recent copy whether it's searchable or not.
>>> All that said, Solr wasn't designed for autocommits that are that
>>> frequent. That's why the documentation talks about _Near_ Real Time.
>>> You may need to adjust your expectations.
>>> Best,
>>> Erick
>>> On Sun, Dec 18, 2016 at 6:49 AM, Dorian Hoxha <dorian.ho...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> There's a very high probability that you're using the wrong tool for the
>>>> job if you need 1ms softCommit time. Especially when you always need it
>>> (ex
>>>> there are apps where you need commit-after-insert very rarely).
>>>> So explain what you're using it for ?
>>>> On Sun, Dec 18, 2016 at 3:38 PM, Lasitha Wattaladeniya <
>>> watt...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Furkan,
>>>>> Thanks for the links. I had read the first one but not the second one.
>>>>> I
>>>>> did read it after you sent. So in my current solrconfig.xml settings
>>>> below
>>>> are the configurations,
>>>>> <autoSoftCommit>
>>>>>     <maxTime>${solr.autoSoftCommit.maxTime:1}</maxTime>
>>>>>   </autoSoftCommit>
>>>>> <autoCommit>
>>>>>     <maxTime>15000</maxTime>
>>>>>     <openSearcher>false</openSearcher>
>>>>>   </autoCommit>
>>>>> The problem i'm facing is, just after adding the documents to solr
>>>>> using
>>>>> solrj, when I retrieve data from solr I am not getting the updated
>>>> results.
>>>> This happens time to time. Most of the time I get the correct data but
>>>> in
>>>> some occasions I get wrong results. so as you suggest, what the best
>>>>> practice to use here ? , should I wait 1 mili second before calling for
>>>>> updated results ?
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Lasitha
>>>>> Lasitha Wattaladeniya
>>>>> Software Engineer
>>>>> Mobile : +6593896893
>>>>> Blog : techreadme.blogspot.com
>>>>> On Sun, Dec 18, 2016 at 8:46 PM, Furkan KAMACI <furkankam...@gmail.com
>>>>> >
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Lasitha,
>>>>>> First of all, did you check these:
>>>>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/solr/Near+
>>>>> Real+Time+Searching
>>>>>> https://lucidworks.com/blog/2013/08/23/understanding-
>>>>>> transaction-logs-softcommit-and-commit-in-sorlcloud/
>>>>>> after that, if you cannot adjust your configuration you can give more
>>>>>> information and we can find a solution.
>>>>>> Kind Regards,
>>>>>> Furkan KAMACI
>>>>>> On Sun, Dec 18, 2016 at 2:28 PM, Lasitha Wattaladeniya <
>>>>> watt...@gmail.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi furkan,
>>>>>>> Thanks for your reply, it is generally a query heavy system. We are
>>>>>> using
>>>>>> realtime indexing for editing the available data
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> Lasitha
>>>>>>> Lasitha Wattaladeniya
>>>>>>> Software Engineer
>>>>>>> Mobile : +6593896893 <+65%209389%206893>
>>>>>>> Blog : techreadme.blogspot.com
>>>>>>> On Sun, Dec 18, 2016 at 8:12 PM, Furkan KAMACI <
>>>>>> furkankam...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Lasitha,
>>>>>>>> What is your indexing / querying requirements. Do you have an index
>>>>>>>> heavy/light  - query heavy/light system?
>>>>>>>> Kind Regards,
>>>>>>>> Furkan KAMACI
>>>>>>>> On Sun, Dec 18, 2016 at 11:35 AM, Lasitha Wattaladeniya <
>>>>>>>> watt...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hello devs,
>>>>>>>>> I'm here with another problem i'm facing. I'm trying to do a
>>>>>>>> commit
>>>> (soft
>>>>>>>>> commit) through solrj and just after the commit, retrieve the data
>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>> solr (requirement is to get updated data list).
>>>>>>>>> I'm using soft commit instead of the hard commit, is previously I
>>>>>>>> got
>>>> an
>>>>>>>>> error "Exceeded limit of maxWarmingSearchers=2, try again later"
>>>>>>>> because of
>>>>>>>>> too many commit requests. Now I have removed the explicit commit
>>>>>>>> and
>>>> has
>>>>>>>>> let the solr to do the commit using autoSoftCommit *(1 mili
>>>>>>>> second)*
>>>> and
>>>>>>>>> autoCommit *(30 seconds)* configurations. Now I'm not getting any
>>>>>>>> errors
>>>>>>>>> when i'm committing frequently.
>>>>>>>>> The problem i'm facing now is, I'm not getting the updated data
>>>>>>>> when
>>>> I
>>>>>> fetch from solr just after the soft commit. So in this case what
>>>>>>>> are
>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> best practices to use ? to wait 1 mili second before retrieving
>>>>>>>> data
>>>> after
>>>>>>>>> soft commit ? I don't feel like waiting from client side is a good
>>>>>>>> option.
>>>>>>>>> Please give me some help from your expert knowledge
>>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>>> Lasitha Wattaladeniya
>>>>>>>>> Software Engineer
>>>>>>>>> Mobile : +6593896893
>>>>>>>>> Blog : techreadme.blogspot.com

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