There's a very high probability that you're using the wrong tool for the
job if you need 1ms softCommit time. Especially when you always need it (ex
there are apps where you need commit-after-insert very rarely).

So explain what you're using it for ?

On Sun, Dec 18, 2016 at 3:38 PM, Lasitha Wattaladeniya <>

> Hi Furkan,
> Thanks for the links. I had read the first one but not the second one. I
> did read it after you sent. So in my current solrconfig.xml settings below
> are the configurations,
> <autoSoftCommit>
>    <maxTime>${solr.autoSoftCommit.maxTime:1}</maxTime>
>  </autoSoftCommit>
> <autoCommit>
>    <maxTime>15000</maxTime>
>    <openSearcher>false</openSearcher>
>  </autoCommit>
> The problem i'm facing is, just after adding the documents to solr using
> solrj, when I retrieve data from solr I am not getting the updated results.
> This happens time to time. Most of the time I get the correct data but in
> some occasions I get wrong results. so as you suggest, what the best
> practice to use here ? , should I wait 1 mili second before calling for
> updated results ?
> Regards,
> Lasitha
> Lasitha Wattaladeniya
> Software Engineer
> Mobile : +6593896893
> Blog :
> On Sun, Dec 18, 2016 at 8:46 PM, Furkan KAMACI <>
> wrote:
> > Hi Lasitha,
> >
> > First of all, did you check these:
> >
> >
> Real+Time+Searching
> >
> > transaction-logs-softcommit-and-commit-in-sorlcloud/
> >
> > after that, if you cannot adjust your configuration you can give more
> > information and we can find a solution.
> >
> > Kind Regards,
> > Furkan KAMACI
> >
> > On Sun, Dec 18, 2016 at 2:28 PM, Lasitha Wattaladeniya <
> > wrote:
> >
> >> Hi furkan,
> >>
> >> Thanks for your reply, it is generally a query heavy system. We are
> using
> >> realtime indexing for editing the available data
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >> Lasitha
> >>
> >> Lasitha Wattaladeniya
> >> Software Engineer
> >>
> >> Mobile : +6593896893 <+65%209389%206893>
> >> Blog :
> >>
> >> On Sun, Dec 18, 2016 at 8:12 PM, Furkan KAMACI <>
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >>> Hi Lasitha,
> >>>
> >>> What is your indexing / querying requirements. Do you have an index
> >>> heavy/light  - query heavy/light system?
> >>>
> >>> Kind Regards,
> >>> Furkan KAMACI
> >>>
> >>> On Sun, Dec 18, 2016 at 11:35 AM, Lasitha Wattaladeniya <
> >>>>
> >>> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> > Hello devs,
> >>> >
> >>> > I'm here with another problem i'm facing. I'm trying to do a commit
> >>> (soft
> >>> > commit) through solrj and just after the commit, retrieve the data
> from
> >>> > solr (requirement is to get updated data list).
> >>> >
> >>> > I'm using soft commit instead of the hard commit, is previously I got
> >>> an
> >>> > error "Exceeded limit of maxWarmingSearchers=2, try again later"
> >>> because of
> >>> > too many commit requests. Now I have removed the explicit commit and
> >>> has
> >>> > let the solr to do the commit using autoSoftCommit *(1 mili second)*
> >>> and
> >>> > autoCommit *(30 seconds)* configurations. Now I'm not getting any
> >>> errors
> >>> > when i'm committing frequently.
> >>> >
> >>> > The problem i'm facing now is, I'm not getting the updated data when
> I
> >>> > fetch from solr just after the soft commit. So in this case what are
> >>> the
> >>> > best practices to use ? to wait 1 mili second before retrieving data
> >>> after
> >>> > soft commit ? I don't feel like waiting from client side is a good
> >>> option.
> >>> > Please give me some help from your expert knowledge
> >>> >
> >>> > Best regards,
> >>> > Lasitha Wattaladeniya
> >>> > Software Engineer
> >>> >
> >>> > Mobile : +6593896893
> >>> > Blog :
> >>> >
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >

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