Sorry, I may not be clear enough to express, I describe the following 
experimental steps:
Step 1: Create two collections

Step 2: import test data, I only imported in c1 inside the collection, the data 
are as follows
        "title":["vip a red suit0"],
        "description":["Your friend is your needs answered0"],
        "title":["vip a red suit1"],
        "description":["Your friend is your needs answered1"],
        "title":["vip a red suit2"],
        "description":["Your friend is your needs answered2"],
        "title":["vip a red suit3"],
        "description":["Your friend is your needs answered3"],
        "title":["vip a red suit4"],
        "description":["Your friend is your needs answered4"],

Step 3: to achieve the merger order, I just want to have id 'aa' at the 
beginning of the data mobile past

In the zookeeper C1 state.json has the following parameters:
 "RoutingRules": {"aa!": {
            "RouteRanges": "37100000-3710ffff",
            "TargetCollection": "c2",
            "ExpireAt": "1486353350933"}}

After the implementation of the third step, c1 data has not moved to c2 inside, 
c2 data is empty, which is why, is it where I operate incorrect? 

thinks all!

------------------ ???????? ------------------
??????: "Damien Kamerman";<>;
????????: 2017??2??6??(??????) ????11:33
??????: "solr-user"<>; 

????: Re: Migrate Documents to Another Collection

Try with split.key=!
This will migrate all docs.

On 6 February 2017 at 14:31, alias <> wrote:

> I use this command,but not effect??  http://localhost:8081/solr/
> admin/collections?action=MIGRATE&collection=c1&split.
> key=c1_&target.collection=c2,
> ------------------ ???????? ------------------
> ??????: "Erick Erickson"<>;
> ????????: 2017??2??6??(??????) ????11:24
> ??????: "solr-user"<>;
> ????: Re: Migrate Documents to Another Collection
> I do not understand the problem. The http command you've shown is
> simply creating a collection. What does that have to do with migrating
> from c1 to c2? In fact, it is recreating c1. Assuming you haven't
> redefined the <uniqueKey>, then the router field defaults to "id". So
> this is just recreating a plain-vanilla collection. If you already
> have a "c1" collection, I expect the above would simply fail.
> There's nothing indicating you tried to move docs from C1 to C2 as the
> title of this e-mail indicates. There's no magic here, Solr
> collections are completely independent of one another. If you want
> docs to be moved, _you_ have to move them.
> Best,
> Erick
> On Sun, Feb 5, 2017 at 6:20 PM, alias <> wrote:
> > hello,please help me look this question
> >
> >
> >
> > I have a solr collections on the merger, we would like to ask the next
> question is as follows I have two collections, c1 and c2,
> >
> > C1 colleciton there are 10 data, id is from c1_0 to c1_9,
> >
> > C2 colleciton also has 10 data, id is from c2_0 to c2_9,
> >
> > I now want to c1 id c1_ format data into the c2, I implemented the
> following order, it seems no effect, and why?
> >
> > I c1 designated in the new router.field=id
> >
> > http://localhost:8081/solr/admin/collections?action=
> CREATE&amp;name=c1&amp;numShards=3&replicationFactor=3&maxShardsPerNode=3&
> collection.configName=myconf&amp;router.field=id
> >
> > I refer to
> Collections+API#CollectionsAPI-api12
> >
> > Solr version 6.3.0
> >
> > I have a problem? Or understanding wrong?

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