On 2/12/2017 11:52 PM, Sahil Agarwal wrote:
> I have not been able to build Solr 5.5.3 from the source.
> Detected Java version: 1.8 in: /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8.0_121/jre

The unresolved dependency error is unusual, I'm not really sure what's
going on there.  My best idea would be to delete the ivy cache entirely
and try again.  These would be the commands I would use, from the top
level of the source code:

rm -rf ~/.ivy2
ant clean clean-jars

This will cause ivy to re-download all dependent jars when you do the
compile, and if you are using ivy with any other java source code, might
cause some temporary issues for those builds.

Even if you get ivy to work right, you're going to run into another
problem due to the JDK version you've got.  Oracle changed the javadoc
compiler to be more strict in that version, which broke the build.


The fix has been backported to the 5.5 branch, so it will be available
in the 5.5.4 tag when it is created.  The 5.5.3 build will continue to
be broken with Java 8u121.

You'll need to either get the branch_5_5 source code from git to build
5.5.4, or downgrade your JDK version.  Alternatively, you can wait for
the 5.5.4 release to be available to get the source code, or get the
patch and apply it to your 5.5.3 code.  I do not know if the patch will
apply cleanly -- it may require manual work.


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