The issue has been fixed. Seems there is a problem in *solr/core/ivy.xml *

<dependency org="commons-fileupload" name="commons-fileupload"
rev="${/commons-fileupload/commons-fileupload}" conf="compile"/>

In this line, I replaced the ${/commons-fileupload/commons-fileupload} with
1.3.2 as the variable seemed to be downloading version 1.3.1 of the
commons-fileupload instead of the latest 1.3.2 version.

Once this was done, ant built the sources successfully.


On 13 February 2017 at 19:30, Shawn Heisey <> wrote:

> On 2/12/2017 11:52 PM, Sahil Agarwal wrote:
> > I have not been able to build Solr 5.5.3 from the source.
> <snip>
> > Detected Java version: 1.8 in: /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8.0_121/jre
> The unresolved dependency error is unusual, I'm not really sure what's
> going on there.  My best idea would be to delete the ivy cache entirely
> and try again.  These would be the commands I would use, from the top
> level of the source code:
> rm -rf ~/.ivy2
> ant clean clean-jars
> This will cause ivy to re-download all dependent jars when you do the
> compile, and if you are using ivy with any other java source code, might
> cause some temporary issues for those builds.
> Even if you get ivy to work right, you're going to run into another
> problem due to the JDK version you've got.  Oracle changed the javadoc
> compiler to be more strict in that version, which broke the build.
> The fix has been backported to the 5.5 branch, so it will be available
> in the 5.5.4 tag when it is created.  The 5.5.3 build will continue to
> be broken with Java 8u121.
> You'll need to either get the branch_5_5 source code from git to build
> 5.5.4, or downgrade your JDK version.  Alternatively, you can wait for
> the 5.5.4 release to be available to get the source code, or get the
> patch and apply it to your 5.5.3 code.  I do not know if the patch will
> apply cleanly -- it may require manual work.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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