Further background on the environment:

There are 36 cores, with a total size of 131 MB (based on the size reported by
"Master (Searching)" in the web console).

The Java memory parameters in use are: -Xms512m -Xmx512m.

>     On 14 February 2017 at 05:45 Erick Erickson <erickerick...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>     GCViewer is a nifty tool for visualizing the GC activity BTW.

I don't know what I'm looking for but for a log covering a 3-hour period today
the "Summary" tab says (typed manually, apologies for any mistakes):

Total heap (usage / alloc. max): 490.7M (100.0%) / 490.7M

Max heap after conc GC: 488.7M (99.6%)

Max tenured after conc GC: 382M (99.5% / 77.9%)

Max heap after full GC: 490M (99.9%)

Freed Memory: 141,811.4M

Freed Mem/Min: 748.554M/min

Total Time: 3h9m26s

Accumulated pauses: 883.6s

Throughput: 92.23%

Number of full gc pauses: 476

Full GC Performance: 101.4M/s

Number of gc pauses: 15153

GC Performance: 245.5M/s

"Memory" tab:

Total heap (usage / alloc. max): 490.7M (100.0%) / 490.7M

Tenured heap (usage / alloc. max): 384M (100.0%) / 384M

Young heap (usage / alloc. max): 106.7M (100.0%) / 106.7M

Perm heap (usage / alloc. max): 205.6M (17.0%) / 1,212M

Max tenured after conc GC: 382M (99.5% / 77.9%)

Avg tenured after conc GC: 247.5M (delta=17.612M)

Max heap after conc GC: 488.7M (99.6%)

Avg heap after conc GC: 252.6M (delta=35.751M)

Max heap after full GC: 490M (99.9%)

Avg heap after full GC: 379M (delta=72.917M)

Avg after GC: 359.9M  (delta=40.965M)

Freed by full GC: 47,692.8M (33.6%)

Freed by GC: 94,118.7M (66.4%)

Avg freed full GC: 100.2M/coll (delta=68.015M) [greyed]

Avg freed GC: 6,360.3K/coll (delta=19.963M) [greyed]

Avg rel inc after FGC: -199,298B/coll

Avg rel inc after GC: 6,360.3K/coll (delta=19.963M)

Slope full GC: -126,380B/s

Slope GC: 14.317M/s

InitiatingOccFraction (avg / max): 65.9% / 100.0%

Avg promotion: 2,215.324K/coll (delta=6,904.174K) [greyed]

Total promotion: 12,504.467M

Can anyone can shed any light on this? Is it a problem or is this all normal?


Leon Stringer

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