Dear solr users,

when updating documents in bulk (i.e. 40.000 documents at once), and only 
changing the value of a single Boolean-Flag, I currently re-index all whole 
40.000 objects. However, the process of obtaining all relevant information for 
each object from the database is one of relatively high cost.

I now wonder, if in this situation it would be a good idea to implement a 
single-field update routine using atomic updates? In that case, I could skip 
any necessary lookups in the relational database, since the only information 
would be the new value for that Boolean-Flag, and the list of those 40.000 
document ids.

I am aware of the requirements to use atomic updates, but as I understood, 
those would not have a big impact on performance and only a slight increase in 
index size?

What is your opinion on that?

Thanks for your input, have a nice evening!


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