On 2/15/2017 4:06 PM, Ratan Servegar wrote:
> I've been looking everywhere to find a solution for the problem i've
> having, I am starting an index on a core by making an ajax call from
> my page to the solr server via url. However i want to know the index
> start time and completion time and also i want to know how many
> records are processed and the rate of processing per second (the same
> details that are in the Solr admin screen) i want to bring back this
> data to my application so that i can show visual progress bar of the
> index process. Can i do this? is it possible ? sorry if this has
> already been asked. 

This would depend on what mechanism you are using for indexing.

If you're using the dataimport handler, then the status response from
that handler (after an import is started) provides much of the
information needed to display or calculate what you have mentioned.  One
caveat -- the handler usually does not know how many documents are
available in the source system, so it typically cannot tell how far
along the import is.  If you can obtain that information from the source
system separately, then you would be able to calculate progress.

If you're indexing by using a program of your own design to send update
requests to Solr, then Solr will not have that information.  Your
program would need to provide it.


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