Thank you, these are useful tips.

We were previously working with a 4GB heap and getting OOMs in Solr while 
updating (probably from the analysers) that would cause the index writer to 
close with what’s called a “tragic” error in the writer code. Only a hard 
restart of the service could bring it back. There are certain documents that 
function like poison and trigger this error every time. Haven’t had time to 
isolate and create a test case, so throwing RAM at it is a stopgap.

When I do, I’ll file an issue.

> On 2 Mar 2017, at 18:28, Walter Underwood <> wrote:
> 6.4.0 added a lot of metrics to low-level calls. That makes many operations 
> slow. Go back to 6.3.0 or wait for 6.4.2.
> Meanwhile, stop running optimize. You almost certainly don’t need it.
> 24 GB is a huge heap. Do you really need that? We run a 15 million doc index 
> with an 8 GB heap (Java 8u121, G1 collector). I recommend a smaller heap so 
> the OS can use that RAM to cache file buffers.
> wunder
> Walter Underwood
>  (my blog)
>> On Mar 2, 2017, at 7:04 AM, Caruana, Matthew <> wrote:
>> I’m currently performing an optimise operation on a ~190GB index with about 
>> 4 million documents. The process has been running for hours.
>> This is surprising, because the machine is an EC2 r4.xlarge with four cores 
>> and 30GB of RAM, 24GB of which is allocated to the JVM.
>> The load average has been steady at about 1.3. Memory usage is 25% or less 
>> the whole time. iostat reports ~6% util.
>> What gives?
>> Running Solr 6.4.1.

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