Hi Matthew,

I'm guessing it's the EBS.  With EBS we've seen:
* cpu.system going up in some kernels
* low read/write speeds and maxed out IO at times

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On Thu, Mar 2, 2017 at 10:04 AM, Caruana, Matthew <mcaru...@icij.org> wrote:

> I’m currently performing an optimise operation on a ~190GB index with
> about 4 million documents. The process has been running for hours.
> This is surprising, because the machine is an EC2 r4.xlarge with four
> cores and 30GB of RAM, 24GB of which is allocated to the JVM.
> The load average has been steady at about 1.3. Memory usage is 25% or less
> the whole time. iostat reports ~6% util.
> What gives?
> Running Solr 6.4.1.

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