On 3/2/2017 6:44 PM, Alexandre Rafalovitch wrote:
> And if you are not using SolrCloud, you can have
> collection=shard=core, so the terminology gets confused. But you can
> definitely have many cores on one mail server. You can also make them
> lazy, so not all cores have to be loaded. That would definitely allow
> you to have a core per user and only searched cores would be loaded.
> And relevance might be a bit better too, as each user will get their
> own term counts.

Yes, definitely.  If you abandon SolrCloud, then you gain some features
that we call "LotsOfCores", and the number of indexes you have is not so
relevant for performance.  There may be a short delay when a user
connects and tries to access their search, while Solr spins the core
back up.  I have no way to estimate how long that delay would be.


As Alexandre mentions, there is a little bit of terminology confusion,
because cores will sometimes be referred to as collections, especially
by those who are not as familiar with internal terminology used by the
project.  Until recently, the first core encountered by a new user,
originating before SolrCloud was available, was named "collection1". 
This did not help with the confusion.


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