On 3/2/2017 5:14 PM, Shawn Heisey wrote:
On 3/2/2017 2:58 PM, Daniel Miller wrote:
I'm asking for some guidance on how I might
optimize Solr.
I use Solr for work.  I use Dovecot for personal domains.  I have not
used them together.  I probably should -- my personal mailbox is many
gigabytes and would benefit from a boost in search performance.
If using Thunderbird - searches for header fields like sender or subject doesn't change much. Body type searches - unbelievable difference. And of course other client's, especially mobile clients, benefit tremendously.
What I don't know is:

1.  Is it possible to split the "indexes" (I'm still learning Solr
vocabulary) without creating separate "cores" (which to me means
separate Java instances)?
2.  Can these separate "indexes" be created on-demand - or do they
need to be explictly created prior to use?
Here's a paragraph that hopefully clears up most confusion about Solr
terminology.  This is applicable to SolrCloud:

Collections are made up of one or more shards.  Shards are made up of
one or more replicas.  Each replica is a core.  One replica from each
shard is elected as the leader of that shard, and if there are multiple
replicas, the leader role can move between them in response to a change
in cluster state.

Further info: One Solr instance (JVM) can handle many cores.  SolrCloud
allows multiple Solr instances to coordinate with each other (via
ZooKeeper) and form a whole cluster.  Without SolrCloud, you have cores,
but no collections and no replicas.  Sharding is possible without
SolrCloud, but is handled mostly manually.
What I think I want is create a single collection, with a shard/replica/core per user. Or maybe I'm wanting a separate collection per user - which would again mean a single shard/replica/core. But it seems like each shard/replica/core is a separate instance.

Without modifying Dovecot source, I can have it generate URL's like, "http://solr.server.local:8983/solr/dovecot/"; (which is what I do now) or maybe, "http://solr.server.local:8983/solr/dovecot_user/"; or even "http://solr.server.local:8983/solr/dovecot/dovecot_user";. But I'm not understanding how, if possible, I can have the indexes created appropriately to support such access. The only examples I've seen use either separate ports or ip's for listeners.

One thing to note:  SolrCloud begins to have performance issues when the
number of collections in the cloud reaches the low hundreds.  It's not
going to scale very well with a collection per user or per mailbox
unless there aren't very many users.
At the moment, without digging into Dovecot code, it doesn't look like a per-mailbox option exists. But per-user certainly does - and in my case I have less than 100 users so it shouldn't be an issue - if I get it to work.


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