On 3/21/2017 10:34 AM, Shawn Heisey wrote:
> Restating the original problem:  I cannot paginate through the groups
> in a grouped query.  The first page works, subsequent pages do not.  I
> have a distributed index.  Co-locating documents in the same group
> onto the same shard is going to require a complete redesign of
> indexing.  It's something that could be done, but not without a LOT of
> work.

Strange thing ... now when I try a paginated query, it works.  I have no
idea what I was doing differently before when it wasn't working.

solr-impl version:
4.9-SNAPSHOT 1680667 - solr - 2015-05-20 14:23:11

I have discovered that I can't get the query to work at all on 6.3.0
with my schema even without pagination.  I've encountered this bug again:



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