I was going to file a ticket like this:

"A SOLR-303 query with &shards=host1,host2,host3 when host3 is down returns an error. One of the advantages of a shard implementation is that data can be stored redundantly across different shards, either as direct copies (e.g. when host1 and host3 are snapshooter'd copies of each other) or where there is some "data RAID" that stripes indexes for redundancy."

But then I saw SOLR-502, which appears to be committed.

If I have the above scenario (host1,host2,host3 where host3 is not up) and set a timeAllowed, will I still get a 400 or will it come back with "partial" results? If not, can we think of a way to get this to work? It's my understanding already that duplicate docIDs are merged in the SOLR-303 response, so other than building in some "this host isn't working, just move on and report it" and of course the work to index redundantly, we wouldn't need anything to achieve a good redundant shard implementation.


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