
   We have some custom code that extends SearchHandler to be able to :
        - do an extra request
        - merge/combine the original request and the extra request results

   On Solr 5.x, our code was working very well, now with Solr 6.x we
have the following issue:  the number of SolrIndexSearcher are
increasing (we can see them in the admin view > Plugins/ Stats > Core ).
As SolrIndexSearcher are accumulating, we have the following issues :
       - the memory used by Solr is increasing => OOM after a long
period of time in production
       - some files in the index has been deleted from the system but
the Solr JVM still hold them => ("fake") Full disk after a long period
of time in production

   We are wondering,
      - what has changed between Solr 5.x and Solr 6.x in the
management of the SolrIndexSearcher ?
      - what would be the best way, in a Solr plugin, to perform 2
queries and merge the results to a single SolrQueryResponse ?

   Thanks a lot.

Gérald, Elodie, Ludo and André

Kelkoo SAS
Société par Actions Simplifiée
Au capital de € 4.168.964,30
Siège social : 158 Ter Rue du Temple 75003 Paris
425 093 069 RCS Paris

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