We use zookeeper for Hadoop / HBase and so we use same ensemble for Solr
too. We are using Solr Cloud in EC2 instances with 6 collections containing
4 shards and 2 replicas.

We followed the one of the blog
in the internet for our setup and it's works fine. Though the setup is on
tomcat, for latest  solr version with Jetty can also be used with little

Hope this is useful.


On Sun, Apr 30, 2017 at 9:06 PM Shawn Heisey <apa...@elyograg.org> wrote:

> On 4/25/2017 3:13 PM, Otis Gospodnetić wrote:
> > Could one run *only* embedded ZK on some SolrCloud nodes, sans any data?
> > It would be equivalent of dedicated Elasticsearch nodes, which is the
> > current ES best practice/recommendation.  I've never heard of anyone
> being
> > scared of running 3 dedicated master ES nodes, so if SolrCloud offered
> the
> > same, perhaps even completely hiding ZK from users, that would present
> the
> > same level of complexity (err, simplicity) ES users love about ES.  Don't
> > want to talk about SolrCloud vs. ES here at all, just trying to share
> > observations since we work a lot with both Elasticsearch and Solr(Cloud)
> at
> > Sematext.
> Yes, you could do that ... but I don't see any real value right now.
> You have to learn how to configure a redundant ZK ensemble and apply
> that configuration to the embedded servers manually.  Since that's not
> any different from what you'd do with an external ensemble, I think it's
> better to just use the external install.  As I understand it, elastic
> wrote their cluster code themselves ... it's part of ES, not provided by
> a separate software package, so their recommendation makes sense for ES.
> Using embedded ZK as you have described, there will be at least three
> extra Solr nodes that are not intended to host collections.  To keep it
> running this way, it will be important to explicitly avoid putting new
> collections on those nodes, because that won't happen by default.  With
> dedicated external ZK processes, there's no Solr node to worry about,
> and no need to create a "master node" capability.
> I'm not opposed to automated scripts included with Solr to configure and
> start standalone ZK processes, including a way to create an init
> script.  That would be very useful and go a long way towards extremely
> easy instructions for setting up a fault tolerant SolrCloud installation
> on multiple servers.
> In situations where ZK is installed on dedicated hardware, a native ZK
> will require less heap memory than one embedded in Solr, and probably
> will have slightly lower CPU requirements.
> SOLR-9386 does make your idea more viable because it brings the full
> capability of recent zookeeper configuration options to the embedded
> server.  It will be available in version 6.6.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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