
Gee, you get confusion from a google search for:

nested documents

But my recent posting might help: " Yonick has some good blogs on this."

And Mikhail has an excellent blog:

cheers -- Rick

On 2017-05-24 02:53 AM, prasad chowdary wrote:
Dear All,

I have a requirement that I need to index the documents in solr using Java

Each document contains a sub documents like below ( Its just for
underastanding my question).

student id : 123
student name : john
marks :
        maths: 90
        English :95

student id : 124
student name : rack
marks :
        maths: 80
        English :96


So, as shown above each document contains one child document i.e marks.

Actaully I don't need any joins or anything.My requirement is :

if I query "English:95" ,it should return the complete document ,i.e child
along with parent like below

student id : 123
student name : john
marks :
        maths: 90
        English :95

and also if I query "student id : 123" , it should return the whole document
same as above.

Currently I am able to get the child along with parent for child match by
using extendedResults option .

But not able to get the child for parent match.

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