
I hope this is not off-topic, but I am curious: if you do not use the three fields, subject, predicate, and object for indexing RDF then what is your algorithm? Maybe document nesting is appropriate for this? cheers -- Rick

On 2017-07-09 05:52 PM, Jan Høydahl wrote:

I have personally written a Python script to parse RDF files into an in-memory 
graph structure and then pull data from that structure to index to Solr.
I.e. you may perfectly well have RDF (nt, turtle, whatever) as source but index 
sub structures in very specific ways.
Anyway, as Erick points out, that’s probably where in your code that you should 
use Managed Schema REST API in order to
1. Query Solr for what fields are defined
2. If you need to index a field that is not yet in Solr, add it, using the 
correct field type (your app should know)
3. Push the data
4. Repeat

Jan Høydahl, search solution architect
Cominvent AS - www.cominvent.com

8. jul. 2017 kl. 02.36 skrev Rick Leir <rl...@leirtech.com>:

Whoa, hold everything! You said RDF, meaning resource description framework? If 
so, you have exactly​ three fields: subject, predicate, and object. Maybe they 
are text type, or for exact matches you might want string fields. Add an ID 
field, which could be automatically generated by Solr, so now you have four 
fields. Or am I on a tangent again? Cheers -- Rick

On July 7, 2017 6:01:00 AM EDT, Thaer Sammar <t.sam...@geophy.com> wrote:
Hi Jan,

Thanks!, I am exploring the schemaless option based on Furkan
suggestion. I
need the the flexibility because not all fields are known. We get the
from RDF database (which changes continuously). To be more specific, we
have a database and all changes on it are sent to a kafka queue. and we
have a consumer which listen to the queue and update the Solr index.


On 7 July 2017 at 10:53, Jan Høydahl <jan....@cominvent.com> wrote:

If you do not need the flexibility of dynamic fields, don’t use them.
Sounds to me that you really want a field “price” to be float and a
“birthdate” to be of type date etc.
If so, simply create your schema (either manually, through Schema API
using schemaless) up front and index each field as correct type
messing with field name prefixes.

Jan Høydahl, search solution architect
Cominvent AS - www.cominvent.com

5. jul. 2017 kl. 15.23 skrev Thaer Sammar <t.sam...@geophy.com>:

We are trying to index documents of different types. Document have
different fields. fields are known at indexing time. We run a query
on a
database and we index what comes using query variables as field names
solr. Our current solution: we use dynamic fields with prefix, for
feature_i_*, the issue with that
1) we need to define the type of the dynamic field and to be able
cover the type of discovered fields we define the following
feature_i_* for integers, feature_t_* for string, feature_d_* for
double, ....
1.a) this means we need to check the type of the discovered field
then put in the corresponding dynamic field
2) at search time, we need to know the right prefix
We are looking for help to find away to ignore the prefix and check
the type

Sorry for being brief. Alternate email is rickleir at yahoo dot com

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