On 7/12/2017 12:38 AM, Zheng Lin Edwin Yeo wrote:
> I found that we can set the path under <dataDir> in solrconfig.xml
> However, this seems to work only if there is one replica. How do we set it
> if we have 2 or more replica?

Setting dataDir in solrconfig.xml is something that really only works in
standalone Solr.  For SolrCloud, this method has issues that are
difficult to get around.

Another option that works in ANY Solr mode is changing dataDir in the
core.properties file that every core uses.  Create the collection,
allowing Solr to create the cores in the default way.  Shut down Solr
and edit the core.properties file for each core that you want to have
the data in a different location.  Add a dataDir property pointing at
the new location for that core's data.  If the core actually has any
contents, you can move the data to that location, but if not, you can
simply let Solr create the data itself when it starts back up.

The core.properties file is in Java properties format, which is well
documented in multiple places around the Internet.


If the dataDir location is not an absolute path, then it will be
relative to the instanceDir -- the place where core.properties is.  The
dataDir value defaults to a simple value of "data".


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