On 7/12/2017 8:25 PM, Zheng Lin Edwin Yeo wrote:
> Thanks Shawn and Erick.
> We are planning to migrate the data in two of the largest collections to
> another hard disk, while the rest of the collections remains at the default
> one for the main core.
> So there are already data indexed in the collections.
> Will this method work, or we have to create a new collection, edit the
> core.properties files, then transfer the index files to this new collection?


You can use the method Erick mentioned, or you can use the alternate
method outlined in the paragraph below.  For Erick's idea, you use the
Collections API to add a new replica with a new dataDir property, and
let Solr copy the index data for you, then use DELETEREPLICA to get rid
of the one in the wrong location.  No downtime for any Solr instances,
and you don't have to stop indexing.

For the alternate method, you'll need to stop Solr, edit
core.properties, and copy the contents of the corename/data directory to
the location pointed at by the added dataDir property in the
core.properties file.  Then when you restart Solr, it will use the
existing data in the new location.  You can check the core overview in
the admin UI to make sure that the dataDir has been updated before you
delete the old data directory.


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