At one point I was working on SOLR-7344
<> (but it fell off the
radar due to various reasons). Specifically I built a servlet request
filter which implements a customizable queuing mechanism using asynchronous
servlet API (Servlet 3 spec). This way you can define how many concurrent
requests of a specific type (e.g. query, indexing etc.) you want to
process. This can also be extended at a core (or collection) level.

If this is something interesting and useful for the community, I would be
more than happy to help moving this forward. Otherwise I would like to get
any feedback for possible improvements (or drawbacks) etc.


On Wed, Aug 2, 2017 at 9:45 PM, Walter Underwood <>

> > On Aug 2, 2017, at 8:33 PM, Shawn Heisey <> wrote:
> >
> > IMHO, intentionally causing connections to fail when a limit is exceeded
> > would not be a very good idea.  When the rate gets too high, the first
> > thing that happens is all the requests slow down.  The slowdown could be
> > dramatic.  As the rate continues to increase, some of the requests
> > probably would begin to fail.
> No, this is a very good idea. It is called “load shedding” or “fail fast”.
> Gracefully dealing with overload is an essential part of system design.
> At Netflix, with a pre-Jetty Solr (war file running under Tomcat), we took
> down 40 front end servers with slow response times from the Solr server
> farm. We tied up all the front end threads waiting on responses from the
> Solr servers. That left no front end threads available to respond to
> incoming HTTP requests. It was not a fun evening.
> To fix this, we configured the Citrix load balancer to overflow to a
> different server when the outstanding back-end requests hit a limit. The
> overflow server was a virtual server that immediately returned a 503. That
> would free up front end connections and threads in an overload condition.
> The users would get a “search unavailable” page, but the rest of the site
> would continue to work.
> Unfortunately, the AWS load balancers don’t offer anything like this, ten
> years later.
> The worst case version of this is a stable congested state. It is pretty
> easy to put requests into a queue (connection/server) that are guaranteed
> to time out before they are serviced. If you have 35 requests in the queue,
> a 1 second service time, and a 30 second timeout, those requests are
> already dead when you put them on the queue.
> I learned about this when I worked with John Nagle at Ford Aerospace. I
> recommend his note “On Packet Switches with Infinite Storage” (1985) for
> the full story. It is only eight pages long, but packed with goodness.
> wunder
> Walter Underwood
>  (my blog)

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