On 2017-08-02 11:33 PM, Shawn Heisey wrote:
On 8/2/2017 8:41 PM, S G wrote:
Problem is that peak load estimates are just estimates.
It would be nice to enforce them from Solr side such that if a rate higher than 
that is seen at any core, the core will automatically begin to reject the 
Such a feature would contribute to cluster stability while making sure the 
customer gets an exception to remind them of a slower rate.
Solr doesn't have anything like this.  This is primarily because there
is no network server code in Solr.  The networking is provided by the
servlet container.  The container in modern Solr versions is nearly
guaranteed to be Jetty.  As long as I have been using Solr, it has
shipped with a Jetty container.


I have no idea whether Jetty is capable of the kind of rate limiting
you're after.  If it is, it would be up to you to figure out the

You could always put a proxy server like haproxy in front of Solr.  I'm
pretty sure that haproxy is capable rejecting connections when the
request rate gets too high.  Other proxy servers (nginx, apache, F5
BigIP, solutions from Microsoft, Cisco, etc) are probably also capable
of this.

IMHO, intentionally causing connections to fail when a limit is exceeded
would not be a very good idea.  When the rate gets too high, the first
thing that happens is all the requests slow down.  The slowdown could be
dramatic.  As the rate continues to increase, some of the requests
probably would begin to fail.

What you're proposing would be guaranteed to cause requests to fail.
Failing requests are even more likely than slow requests to result in
users finding a new source for whatever service they are getting from
your organization.
Agreed, a connection limit is not a good idea. But there is the timeAllowed parameter <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/solr/Common+Query+Parameters#CommonQueryParameters-ThetimeAllowedParameter> timeAllowed - This parameter specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, allowed for a search to complete. If this time expires before the search is complete, any partial results will be returned.


With timeAllowed, you need not estimate what connection rate is unbearable. Rather, you would set a max response time. If some queries take much longer than other queries, then this would cause the long ones to fail, which might be a good strategy. However, if queries normally all take about the same time, then this would cause all queries to return partial results until the server recovers, which might be a bad strategy. In this case, Walter's post is sensible.

A previous thread suggested that timeAllowed could cause bad performance on some cloud servers.
cheers -- Rick

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