Thank you, Erick Erickson and Shawn Heisey for your excellent answers.
For some of our collections, it would seem that an occasional optimize
would be a good thing. However we have some collections that are updated

Would using the commit expungeDeletes help mitigate the issue?

I also came across a discussion of Lucene merge policies. and the
Is there documentation about this? I notice that a couple of our replicas
in some of our collections have ~30% deleted documents which I would think
would contribute to the problem.
I have at least 3 collections that are updated constantly, and would not
lend themselves to being optimized what is the best approach for these?


On Fri, Sep 8, 2017 at 9:47 AM, Shawn Heisey <> wrote:

> On 9/7/2017 8:54 AM, Webster Homer wrote:
> > I am not concerned about deleted documents. I am concerned that the same
> > search gives different results after each search. The top document seems
> to
> > cycle between 3 different documents
> >
> > I have an enhanced collections info api call that calls the core admin
> api
> > to get the index information for the replica.
> > When I said the numdocs were the same I meant exactly that. maxdocs and
> > deleted documents are not the same for the replicas, but the number of
> > numdocs is.
> >
> > Or are you saying that the search is looking at deleted documents
> wouldn't
> > that be a very significant bug?
> Lucene score calculations take a lot of information in the index into
> account when calculating the score.  That includes deleted documents,
> because they are part of the index.  When you delete a document, Lucene
> just makes a note saying "internal document ID number NNNN is deleted."
> The actual information for that document is not removed from the index,
> because doing so could take a very long time.
> When you make queries against a replicated SolrCloud, the queries are
> load balanced across the entire cloud, so different queries will hit
> different replicas.  With different numbers of deleted documents in
> different replicas (which is not unusual), the scores are going to come
> out a little bit different on each query.  If you're sorting by score
> (which is the default sort), that *can* affect the order.  Your replicas
> have a fairly high percentage of deleted documents, so there is a lot of
> extra information affecting the scores.  The relative difference in the
> deleted document count between the replicas is high as well, so multiple
> queries could be substantially different.
> It is not a bug that Lucene and Solr look at deleted documents.
> Removing deleted document information from things like the score
> calculation would be VERY computationally intense, bordering on the
> impossible.  To assure good performance, Lucene doesn't even try.
> Because the way Lucene tracks deleted documents is with a list of
> internal Lucene document IDs, those documents are easily removed from
> *results*, but their contents are an integral part of the index and that
> information can only be truly removed by completely rewriting (merging)
> the index segments.
> You can get rid of all deleted documents with an optimize operation,
> which is a forced merge of the entire index down to one segment -- but
> just like it sounds, that is a complete rewrite of the index.  It
> involves a huge amount of CPU resources and disk I/O, and can severely
> impact normal indexing and query operations while it's happening.  If
> the collection is extremely large, an optimize could take hours.  For
> indexes that change rapidly, optimize is strongly discouraged, except as
> an occasional "clean things up" operation, run during non-peak times.
> Thanks,
> Shawn


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