Thanks to you all.  When I used the curl command (which I had forgotten to use) 
and put the url in quotes it worked with one exception.  It did not copy the 
"conf" folder from my custom_configs folder that I had created under the 
configsets folder.  I was able to just add a copy command in my shell script to 
copy this folder over and it works just fine now.

So again thanks to all of you for your help.

William Kevin Miller

ECS Federal, Inc.
(405) 573-2158

-----Original Message-----
From: Shawn Heisey [] 
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2017 10:02 AM
Subject: Re: Modifing create_core's instanceDir attribute

On 9/27/2017 10:24 AM, Miller, William K - Norman, OK - Contractor wrote:
> Thanks Erick for pointing me in this direction.  Unfortunately when I try to 
> us this I get an error.  Here is the command that I am using and the response 
> I get:
> https://solrserver:8983/solr/admin/cores?action=CREATE&name=mycore&ins
> tanceDir=/var/solr/data/mycore&dataDir=data&configSet=custom_configs
> [1] 32023
> [2] 32024
> [3] 32025
> -bash: https://solrserver:8983/solr/admin/cores?action=CREATE: No such 
> file or directory [4] 32026
> [1]   Exit 127                
> https://solrserver:8983/solr/adkmin/cores?action=CREATE
> [2]   Done            name=mycore
> [3]-  Done            instanceDir=/var/solr/data/mycore
> [4]+  Done            dataDir=data

It appears that you are trying to type the bare URL into a shell prompt as a 
command.  The shell doesn't know how to deal with a URL -- a URL isn't a 
program or a shell command.

If you put the URL into a browser, which knows how to deal with it, the request 
will go to Solr, and then you can deal with any further problems.

If you want to do it on the commandline, you're going to have to have a valid 
command/program for the shell.  The "curl" and "wget" programs are commonly 
available on systems with a shell prompt.  Here's one command that might work.  
Replace the text URL with your actual URL, and be sure that you keep the quotes:

curl "URL"


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