Dominique Bejean <> wrote:
> We are encountering issue with GC.

> Randomly nearly once a day there are consecutive full GC with no memory
> reclaimed.

[... 1.2M docs, Xmx 6GB ...]

> Gceasy suggest to increase heap size, but I do not agree

It does seem strange, with your apparently modest index & workload. Nothing you 
say sounds problematic to me and you have covered the usual culprits 
overlapping searchers, faceting and filterCache.

Is it possible for you to share the solr.log around the two times that memory 
usage peaked? 2017-11-30 17:00-19:00 and 2017-12-01 08:00-12:00.

If you cannot share, please check if you have excessive traffic around that 
time or if there is a lot of UnInverting going on (triggered by faceting on 
non.DocValues String fields). I know your post implies that you have already 
done so, so this is more of a sanity check.

- Toke Eskildsen

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