"Lucene/Solr doesn't actually delete documents when you delete them, it 
just marks them as deleted.  I'm pretty sure that the difference between 
docCount and maxDoc is deleted documents.  Maybe I don't understand what 
I'm talking about, but that is the best I can come up with. "

Thanks Shawn, yes, that is correct and I was aware of it.
I was curious of another difference :
I think we confirmed that docCount is local to the field ( thanks Yonik for
that) so :

docCount(index,field1)= # of documents in the index that currently have
value(s) for field1

My question is :

maxDocs(index,field1)= max # of documents in the index that had value(s) for


maxDocs(index)= max # of documents that appeared in the index ( field


Alessandro Benedetti
Search Consultant, R&D Software Engineer, Director
Sease Ltd. - www.sease.io
Sent from: http://lucene.472066.n3.nabble.com/Solr-User-f472068.html

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