: defType=dismax does NOT do anything special with *:* other than treat it 
: > As Chris explained, this is special:

I'm interpreting your followup question differently then Erick & Erik 
did.  I'm going to assume both E & E missunderstood your question, and i'm 
going to assume you completley understood my response to your original 

I'm going to assume that a way to rewrod/expand your followup question is 
something like this...

"I understand now that defType=dismax doesn't support special syntax like 
'*:*' and treats that 3 input as just another 3 character string to search 
against the qf & pf fields -- but now what i don't understand is why are 
list of fields in the debug query output is different for 'q=*:*' compared 
to something like 'q=hello'"

(If i have not understood your followup question correctly, please 

Let's look at those outputs you mentioned...

: >> http://localhost:8983/solr/filesearch/select?fq=id:1193&;
: >> q=*:*&debugQuery=true
: >> 
: >> 
: >>   - parsedquery: "+DisjunctionMaxQuery((user_email:*:* | user_name:*:* |
: >>   tags:*:* | (name_shingle_zh-cn:, , name_shingle_zh-cn:, ,) |
: >> id:*:*)~0.01)
: >>   DisjunctionMaxQuery(((name_shingle_zh-cn:", , , ,"~100)^100.0 |
: >>   tags:*:*)~0.01)",
: >> e.g. following query uses the my expected set of pf and qf.
: >> http://localhost:8983/solr/filesearch/select?fq=id:1193&;
: >> q=hello&debugQuery=true
: >> 
: >> 
: >> 
: >>   - parsedquery: "+DisjunctionMaxQuery(((name_token:hello)^60.0 |
: >>   user_email:hello | (name_combined:hello)^10.0 | (name_zh-cn:hello)^10.0
: >> |
: >>   name_shingle:hello | comments:hello | user_name:hello |
: >> description:hello |
: >>   file_content_zh-cn:hello | file_content_de:hello | tags:hello |
: >>   file_content_it:hell | file_content_fr:hello | file_content_es:hell |
: >>   file_content_en:hello | id:hello)~0.01)
: >> DisjunctionMaxQuery((description:hello
: >>   | (name_shingle:hello)^100.0 | comments:hello | tags:hello)~0.01)",

The answer has to do with the list of qf & pf fields you have confiugred 
-- you didn't provide us with concrete specifics of what qf/pf you 
have configured in your requestHandler -- but you did mention in your 
second example that "following query uses the my expected set of pf and 

By comparing the 2 examples at a glance, It appears that the fields in the 
first example (q=*:* ... again, searching for the literal 3 character 
string '*:*') are (mostly) a subset of the fields you "expected" (from the 
2nd example)

I'm fairly certain that what's happening here is that in both examples the 
literal string input is being given to the analyzer for all of your fields 
-- but in the case of the (literal) string '*:*' many of the analyzers are 
producing no terms at all -- ie: they are completley striping out 
punctuation -- so they don't appear in the final query.

IIUC it looks like one other oddity here is that the reverse also 
seems to be true in some cases -- i suspect that 
although "name_shingle_zh-cn" doesn't appera in your 2nd example, it 
probably *is* in your pf param but whatever analyzer you have confiured 
for it produces no tokens for the latin characters "hello" but does 
produces tokens for the pure-punctuation characters "*:*"

(If i'm correct about your question, but wrong about your qf/pf then 
please provide us with a lot more details -- notably your full 
schema/solrconfig used when executing those queries.


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