Hi All,

For our business requirement, once our Solr client (Java) gets the results of a 
search query from the Solr server, we need to further search across and also 
within the content of the returned documents. To accomplish this, I am 
attempting to create on the client-side an in-memory lucene index 
(RAMDirectory), convert the SolrDocument objects into smaller lucene Document 
objects, add them into the index and then search within it.

Has something like this been attempted yet? And does it sound like a workable 
idea ?

P.S. - Reason for this approach is basically that we need search on the data at 
a certain fine granularity but don't want to index the data at such high 
granularity for indexing performance reasons i.e. we need to keep the total 
number of documents small.

Appreciate any help.

Rahul Chhiber

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