Thanks Karthik.

(1) I thought the fix would be in 7.2.1, but it is not.  Any idea when
it will be available?

(2) Is there any way to force Solr indexing to treat an email message
(or thread) as plain text?


On 02/26/2018 10:37 AM, Karthik Ramachandran wrote:
> There is bug report for this
> which is fixed for future
> release.
> Before running into this issue we were running 6.4.2 which did not have
> this bug.
> On Mon, Feb 26, 2018 at 9:59 AM, Terry Steichen <> wrote:
>> I am using Solr 7.2.1 and trying to index (among other documents)
>> individual emails and collected email threats.  Ideally, the indexing
>> would parse the email messages into their constituent fields.  But, for
>> my purposes, an acceptable alternative is to merely index the messages a
>> unstructured text.
>> But Solr won't let me do either.  Whenever I try I get this message:
>> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
>> org/apache/james/mime4j/stream/MimeConfig$Builder
>> I noticed that others have encountered this error, and that there is (or
>> was) a bug report on it.
>> I'm unsure what to do, other than forgo indexing emails.  Not sure if a
>> patch is available, but even if it is, I don't know what to do with it.
>> Alternatively, it would seem that there should be some way to instruct
>> Solr to stop parsing and just treat the files as pure text - but I don't
>> know how to do that.
>> Maybe I'll just have to install an earlier Solr version that doesn't
>> have this bug - could someone tell me what version that might be?
>> Regards,
>> Terry

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