All ,
     I have a solr query which I am having a hard time configuring as I would 
want it configured. Suppose I have a situation where I have two fields 
field1(host field) and field2 (url field). I want a specific host to be bubbled 
to the top for all terms except for when I am searching for specific people in 
which case I want the URL to their landing page returned first. I have 
configured the dismax query parser in my solrconfig but it seems that the boost 
being applied is arbitrary .

To be more specific if I search for terms related to star wars I want to boost 
the domain but if I search for Carrie Fisher or Mark Hamill I want 
to boost the url (Carrie Fisher's imdb 
page) to the top for Carrie fisher and the url (Mark Hamill's imdb page) to the top for 
Mark Hamill . Here would be my current configuration which is not working .

   <requestHandler name="/select" class="solr.SearchHandler">
    <lst name="defaults">
      <str name="defType">edismax</str>
      <str name="q">*:*</str>
      <str name="q">Carrie Fisher</str>
      <str name="bq">url:( 
            <str name="q">Mark Hamill</str>
      <str name="bq">url:( 

Do any of you know how to best handle a case like this ?

Aratrika Mukhopadhyay

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