I have used a custom filter provided by a jar in schema.xml in standalone
Solr like below

<filter class="com.x.yFilterFactory"

And for this, 

I have loaded the jar in solrconfig.xml like below

<lib dir="./../plugins/" regex=".*\.jar" />

It's working fine But when I've tried to use it in solrcloud with external
zookeeper mode I've got an error 'IO exception' maybe for uploading a large
jar file in zookeeper.

I've also tried to put this jar in the lib folder of solr home but got error
'Plugin init failure'

After that, I've tried blob store api but the documentation says "Blob store
can only be used to dynamically load components configured in
solrconfig.xml. Components specified in schema.xml cannot be loaded from
blob store"

So, how can I use custom filter class in schema.xml in solrcloud mode with
external zookeeper configuration

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