   fix to json, 
there are a few interesting leads.

On April 2, 2018 12:34:44 AM EDT, Raymond Xie <> wrote:
>Thank you, Shawn, Rick and other readers,
>To Shawn:
>For  *8=FIX.4.4 9=653 35=RIO* as an example, in the FIX standard: 8
>means BeginString, in this example, its value is  FIX.4.4.9, and 9
>body length, it is 653 for this message, 35 is RIO, meaning the message
>type is RIO, 122 stands for OrigSendingTime and has a format of
>You can refer to this page for details:
>All the values are explained as string type.
>All the tag numbers are from FIX standard so it doesn't change (in my
>I expect a python program might be needed to parse the message and
>each tag's value, index is to be made on those extracted value as long
>their field (tag) name.
>With index in place, ideally and naturally user will search for any
>keyword, however, in this case, most queries would be based on tag 37
>(Order ID) and 75 (Trade Date), there is another customized tag (not in
>standard) Order Version to be queried on.
>I understand the parser creation would be a manual process, as long as
>know or have a small sample program, I will do it myself and maybe
>it as per need.
>To Rick:
>You mentioned creating JSON document, my understanding is a parser
>would be
>needed to generate that JSON document, do you have any existing example
>Thank you guys very much.
>*Sincerely yours,*
>On Sun, Apr 1, 2018 at 2:16 PM, Shawn Heisey <>
>> On 4/1/2018 10:12 AM, Raymond Xie wrote:
>>> FIX is a format standard of financial data. It contains lots of tags
>>> number with value for the tag, like 8=asdf, where 8 is the tag and
>asdf is
>>> the tag's value. Each tag has its definition.
>>> The sample msg in FIX format was in the original question.
>>> All I need to do is to know how to paste the msg and get all tag's
>>> I found so far a parser is what I need to start with., But I am more
>>> concerning about how to create index in Solr on the extracted tag's
>>> that is the first step, the next would be to customize the dashboard
>>> users to search with a value to find out which msg contains that
>value in
>>> which tag and present users the whole msg as proof.
>> Most of Solr's functionality is provided by Lucene.  Lucene is a java
>> that implements search functionality.  Solr bolts on some
>functionality on
>> top of Lucene, but doesn't really do anything to fundamentally change
>> fact that you're dealing with a Lucene index.  So I'm going to mostly
>> about Lucene below.
>> Lucene organizes data in a unit that we call a "document." An easy
>> for this is that it is a lot like a row in a single database table. 
>It has
>> fields, each field has a type. Unless custom software is used, there
>> really no support for data other than basic primitive types --
>numbers and
>> strings.  The only complex type that I can think of that Solr
>supports out
>> of the box is geospatial coordinates, and it might even support
>> multi-dimensional coordinates, but I'm not sure.  It's not all that
>> -- the field just stores and manipulates multiple numbers instead of
>> The Lucene API does support a FEW things that Solr doesn't implement.
> I
>> don't think those are applicable to what you're trying to do.
>> Let's look at the first part of the data that you included in the
>> message:
>> 8=FIX.4.4 9=653 35=RIO
>> Is "8" always a mixture of letters and numbers and periods? Is "9"
>> a number, and is it always a WHOLE number?  Is "35" always letters?
>> Looking deeper to data that I didn't quote ... is "122" always a
>> value?  Are the tag numbers always picked from a well-defined set, or
>> they change?
>> Assuming that the answers in the previous paragraph are found and a
>> configuration is created to deal with all of it ... how are you
>planning to
>> search it?  What kind of queries would you expect somebody to make? 
>> going to have a huge influence on how you configure things.
>> Writing the schema is usually where people spend the most time when
>> they're setting up Solr.
>> Thanks,
>> Shawn

Sorry for being brief. Alternate email is rickleir at yahoo dot com 

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