
Slightly different questions/problem, what is going on here on 7.2.1? During 
the recovery, none of this node's fellow replicas indexes were changed but we 
still got this error. 

When we got that error, the recovery was restarted, but shortly after the 
replicas indexes got updated and recovery failed again. I can understand the 
second failure, but not the first.

Right now the recovering node seems to be stuck, it cannot recover before the 
15 minute indexing cycle is started. Do i really need to stop the indexer and 
let the node finish recovery? Can we do something about that?

Also, why is fetching the full index so slow? It should take just a few minutes 
to transfer 50 GB between those nodes. While recovering, CPU utilization is 

Many thanks,

Error fetching file,​ doing one 
retry...:org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Unable to download _l5d.cfs 
completely. Downloaded 58720256!=218562805
Error in fetching file: _l5d.cfs (downloaded 58720256 of 218562805 bytes)
Error deleting file: _l5d.cfs 
Index fetch failed :org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Unable to download 
_l5d.cfs completely. Downloaded 58720256!=218562805 
Error while trying to recover:org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Replication 
for recovery failed.
Recovery failed - trying again... (0)

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