On 4/30/2018 9:51 AM, Antony A wrote:
I am running two separate solr clouds. I have 8 shards in each with a total
of 300 million documents. Both the clouds are indexing the document from
the same source/configuration.

I am noticing there is a difference in the size of the collection between
them. I am planning to add more shards to see if that helps solve the
issue. Has anyone come across similar issue?

There's no information here about exactly what you are seeing, what you are expecting to see, and why you believe that what you are seeing is wrong.

You did say that there is "a difference in size".  That is a very vague problem description.

FYI, unless a SolrCloud collection is using the implicit router, you cannot add shards.  And if it *IS* using the implicit router, then you are 100% in control of document routing -- Solr cannot influence that at all.


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