On 5/9/2018 12:39 PM, Piyush Kumar Nayak wrote:
> we have recently upgraded from Solr5 to Solr7. I'm running into a change of 
> behavior that I cannot fathom.
> For the term "test3" Solr7 splits the numeric and alphabetical components and 
> does a simple term search while Solr 5 did a phrase search.
> Also, the fieldType name="text" in the schema.xml for the cores in both the 
> versions of Solr are identical.
> I'd appreciate any pointers that can help with explaining this change.

There shouldn't be anything in Solr code that would cause this with an
upgrade.  It's most likely going to be some difference in the schema. 
Where did you get the schemas that you're using?

The default field appears to be "contents".  You will need to look at
the schema version, the field definition for "contents", and the
fieldType definition for whatever the "type" attribute in the field
definition of "contents" points to.  If you can provide the full
contents of both schemas, we will have an easier time looking for
differences.  Use a paste website or a file sharing site for that.  If
you try to attach the files to a mailing list message, they will most
likely be removed by the mailing list software.


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