I've raised a bug for the issue

have shared the schemas there, in case you wanna take a look.
Thanks for helping out.

-----Original Message-----
From: Shawn Heisey [] 
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2018 3:41 AM
Subject: Re: change in the Standard Query Parser behavior when migrating from 
Solr 5 to 7.

On 5/9/2018 2:37 PM, Piyush Kumar Nayak wrote:
> Same here. "sow" restores the old behavior.

This might be a bug.  I'd like someone who has better understanding of the 
low-level internals to comment before assuming that it's a bug, though.  Sounds 
like sow=false (default as of 7.0) might be causing the 
autoGeneratePhraseQueries setting in the schema to be ignored.  Need to find 
out from an expert whether that is expected or wrong.

> The schema.xml in both Solr versions for me is the one that gets copied from 
> the default template folder to the collections's conf folder.
> On 7 though, looks like the schema changes file changes to "managed-schema".

The managed schema factory became default in 5.5.  The default filename for the 
managed schema is managed-schema.  Some of the configs included with Solr did 
already use the managed schema before it became default. Now all of the 
examples use the managed schema.

> On 7 Solr backs up the original schema.xml and creates a managed schema 
> config file.

That is a back-compat feature of the managed schema factory.  If a schema.xml 
file is found, it will be renamed and its contents will be copied to 
managed-schema, overwriting it if it exists already.


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