
I am to setup the CDCR for a Solr Cluster which uses Custom Document
Has anyone tried that before ?
Do we have any caveats to know well before ?
I will be setting up Uni Directional in Solr 7.3.

Per documentation -

> The current design works most robustly if both the Source and target
> clusters have the same number of shards. There is no requirement that the
> shards in the Source and target collection have the same number of replicas.
> Having different numbers of shards on the Source and target cluster is
> possible, but is also an "expert" configuration as that option imposes
> certain constraints and is not recommended. Most of the scenarios where
> having differing numbers of shards are contemplated are better accomplished
> by hosting multiple shards on each target Solr instance.

I am precisely little curious to know how would this fare if this isn't
Would highly appreciate any pointers around this.


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