This is probably not useful because synonyms work better at index time
than at query time. Reloading synonyms also requires reindexing all
the affected documents.


On 9/23/08 7:45 AM, "Batzenmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm quite new to solr and I'm looking for a way to extend the list of used
> synonyms used at query-time without having to reload the config. What I've
> found so far are these tow thread linked to below, of which neither really
> helped me out.
> Especially the MultiCore solution seems a little bit too much for 'just
> reloading' the synonyms..
> Right now I would choose a solution where I'd extend the
> SynonymFilterFactory with a parameter for an interval in which it would look
> for an update of the synonyms source file (synonyms.txt).
> In case of an updated file the SynMap would be updated and from that point
> on the new synonyms would be included in the query analysis.
> Is this a valid approach? Would someone else find this usefull to?
> cheers, Axel
> tml
> Multiple Solr Cores
> "
> 11.html
> Re: Is it possible to add synonyms run time? 

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