Depending on how often synonyms are added you may or may not have/want to make 
Solr reload your synonyms.  If you use index-time synonyms you definitely don't 
want to reindex every time they change if they change more frequently than what 
it takes to reindex.
I believe you can use new MultiCore methods for loading/reloading cores to get 
synonyms to reload.

Sematext -- -- Lucene - Solr - Nutch

----- Original Message ----
> From: Batzenmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2008 11:24:02 AM
> Subject: Re: Refresh of synonyms.txt without reload
> Walter Underwood wrote:
> > 
> > First, define separate analyzer/filter chains for index and query.
> > Do not include synonyms in the query chain.
> > 
> > Second, use a separate indexing system and use Solr index distribution
> > to sync the indexes to one or more query systems. This will create a new
> > Searcher and caches on the query systems, but it is less drastic than
> > a restart.
> > 
> We already have separate analyzers for index/query-time as well as index
> distribution for master/slave searchers in place.
> Synonyms can be maintained via a web-app by our customer. Assuming you
> suggest to use solr as 'separate indexing system', I'll run into the same
> issue, where I still think restarting the app every time s.o.
> adds/removes/alters a synonym is not an desirable solution.
> Axel
> -- 
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